supporting live music in our city
About Us
To gratify one’s passion is to be fulfilled.
Our gratification is primarily observed through experiencing live music.
We (Adrian and myself) wish for nothing more than to simply share our love of live music with other like-minded devotees, and to convert all those who do not as yet reflect this demographic.
That which separates the two of us from other regular folk is that as a couple of ardent enthusiasts, we just so happen to vow it our life’s ambition to properly consume live music at every available opportunity.
My deep adoration for Triple J and all that it so tastefully represents is immeasurable. I personally celebrate their slogan: “We Love Music” on the daily by embracing all that encompasses fresh and alternative, conscious, intelligent, diverse and inspired quality music.
Adrian’s unbiased approach and genuine loyalty to ALL musical genres, along with his unswerving allegiance to the preservation of live music as a critical part of our very culture, is both potent and unparalleled.
Our mutual anthems create the perfect platform from which to strongly encourage your support for live music. Many long established Australian artists in particular express a justifiable concern over a lack of radio airplay – so why not assist the valued cause and grab a friend, grab a beer and grab a gig. Any gig.
So please do join us in exploring this dynamic landscape of live music and consciously accept that you too would have made a significant difference. And that makes all the difference.
Adrian Alders and Mary Di Matteo